Open Season: Scared Silly Full Movie

Open Season: Scared Silly Full Movie Average ratng: 8,9/10 5872votes

That time the first 'Star Wars' blew our minds. Now Playing: Watch this. Original 1. 97. 7 'Star Wars' trailer. There's no one true type of Star Wars fan. Here at CNET, we range from people who saw the first film when it came out in 1. A New Hope" a couple of years ago, for work! As part of our monthlong special series celebrating four decades of Star Wars, we share our most enduring memories of seeing the movie that kicked off the global phenomenon.

Begin the opening crawl - - and be sure to share your own memories in the comments section. I watched the first three movies back home in Barcelona when I was a little girl. I actually watched them when they aired on TV, dubbed in Catalan. Whenever I think about Han Solo I still can hear his Catalan voice and not Harrison Ford's. I was already a big fan of the original trilogy when I moved to Los Angeles. In 2. 00. 7, a friend of mine was visiting and we got tickets to see "Episode IV: A New Hope" at the Arc. Light Cinemas. George Lucas was presenting it.

I can't remember a single thing Lucas said, just the excitement we felt. We were kids from Barcelona, in Hollywood, at an event with one of our favorite filmmakers. And we were about to see - - on the big screen and not dubbed in Catalan - - one of our favorite childhood movies. Patricia Puentes, San Francisco I was in the first grade in 1. Star Wars" for my friend Jason Stern's birthday party. We'd heard about how great "Star Wars" was from the older kids and how there was this bad guy who wore shiny black (Vader) and a big life- sized muppet (Chewy).

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Open Season: Scared Silly Full Movie

We were blown away by the music, the sabers and the Stormtroopers. I went from collecting DC and Marvel comics action figures to gathering those tiny Kenner figures that I could stuff in my coat pocket. I lost a lot of those little sabers. Terry Collins, San Francisco Claire Reilly and her dad Graham attend the premiere of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens.".

Youtube Open Season: Scared Silly Full Movie

With Donny Lucas, William Townsend, Melissa Sturm, Trevor Devall. OPEN SEASON: SCARED SILLY opens with Elliot telling a campfire story about the legend of the Wailing. A Japanese ad for Star Wars: The Last Jedi makes a very intriguing claim—it says the film will include the biggest, most shocking reveal in Star Wars history. The. Star Wars versus Star Trek is a decades-long conflict that stretches across the galaxy, turning brother against brother, tearing lifelong friendships apart. In one. 'AGT's' Angelica Hale On Performing With Darci Lynne & Preacher Lawson: 'I Love Them' 'AGT' Winner Darci Lynne Excitedly Shares About Her Vegas Debut. · As George Lucas' space saga turns 40, CNET staff around the globe share memories of getting sucked into a galaxy far, far away, sometimes never to return. There is a tension at the heart of both Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire, a contradiction which threatens to swallow the world and our heroes whole if they.

Claire Reilly/CNET. I don't remember a lot about the film itself (or, at least, details of that 1. Special Edition screening that haven't blurred into every other viewing since then). Watch Endless Love Online on this page.

But what made the experience so great was seeing it with my dad. I knew Star Wars was important to him, and being asked to go along was a Big Deal.

Even as a young padawan, that opening fanfare felt momentous - - like I was being let in on a major cultural moment. When I got invited to the premiere of "The Force Awakens" 1. Dad flew up to Sydney to see it with me.

I was a professional nerd for CNET now, so the new film was a big deal for me. But when that overture blared out through the IMAX theater, I still grabbed his hand! Claire Reilly, Sydney I grew up watching action adventure films with my dad, who loved epics like "The Adventures of Robin Hood" (with Errol Flynn) and "The Thief of Bagdad" (the 1. So when I watched "Star Wars" for the first time, it was just like my favorite movies, only set in space! Good guys, bad buys, an evil emperor, a scary henchman with a scary voice, a wise- cracking pilot, a Wookiee, robots, a fearless princess.

What's not to love? The movie also inspired one of my first maker projects. I know I should say it was a homemade lightsaber, but I admit I spent a lot of time with earmuffs and pink foam rollers, trying to replicate Princess Leia's hair for Halloween.

I ended up co- opting one of my mom's best white tablecloths so I could dress up and repeat Carrie Fisher's best lines, including my favorite: "Someone has to save our skins. Into the garbage chute, fly boy." - - Connie Guglielmo, San Francisco In the summer of 1. I wanted to see a movie. It's like 'Star Trek,'" she said. I told her I didn't want to. I was 7 years old and enjoyed "Star Trek" reruns. Watch Scooby-Doo! Camp Scare Youtube.

Maybe I was just being contrary. I went anyway with her, my grandma and a friend. I remember almost nothing else about that day except the movie itself. Was this like it was for a much earlier generation seeing a "talkie" for the first time? It was that earthshaking. It attached itself to me. Over the years, it became like a family member whose flaws are apparent, but you love them deeply anyway.

That may sound completely silly to say about a movie. But you've seen it, right? I never said "no" to another Star Wars movie again. Anne Dujmovic, Portland, Oregon CNET editor Anne Dujmovic's mom wrote this letter in 1. Star Wars." She sent it to Anne's father, who was abroad at the time. Anne Dujmovic/CNET. The origins of my deep love for Star Wars are a little hazy, and I can't even recall whether I watched it in a theater, a drive- in (yes, that was a thing back then) or on VHS.

I do remember being freaked out by the trash compactor scene and the weird one- eyed monster (which I only later learned was called a dianoga) floating around our heroes. Was this a sci- fi adventure or horror film? I scared easily back then. I have stronger memories of reading Star Wars picture books at my local library (that too was a thing back then) and my older cousin's model X- Wing.

The massive Star Wars marketing machine sunk its claws in me at an early age - - I didn't stand a chance. Roger Cheng, New York It was 1. I were given the Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition VHS box set as a joint Christmas present. We'd never even heard of Star Wars before, but the shiny gold box intrigued us, and on Dec. Watch Nine Miles Down Online Hollywoodreporter. That evening we sat down as a family to watch "A New Hope" in our pajamas (and only "A New Hope" - - my mum was very firm on this - - after that it was bedtime). Over six hours later we finally trundled off to bed. For me it was the beginning of a lifelong passion for both Star Wars and binge- watching things late into the night even when I'm doolally and need to sleep.

Katie Collins, London. Click for full coverage. I was only 3 when "A New Hope" first premiered, so I didn't see it until the rerelease. The scenes on Tatooine were my favorite. I thought the Jawas were funny and the shots of the Sandcrawler and of C- 3. PO and R2- D2 fleeing in the escape pod fascinated me. That's why my first Star Wars toy was Kenner's "Land of the Jawas playset." It probably took me until "Return of the Jedi" to get hooked on the series (my family had just gone to the Redwoods on vacation so I loved the speeder bike chase on Endor), but my husband was captivated right away.

He tells a great story about what it was like to see "A New Hope" in 1. Wisconsin where there wasn't much around. From the very first scene when the massive underside of the Imperial Star Destroyer passed overhead, he immediately got the chills - - this was like nothing he had ever seen before. He went back to see it 1. Kent German, London I started working at CNET in 2.

I worked for a tech publication with plenty of "geeky" co- workers, I'd never seen a Star Wars film. In fact, one of my first assignments was writing about Star Wars and I had to tell my editors I couldn't include film references because I'd never seen it.

Fast- forward to early 2. I was relocating to CNET's San Francisco bureau. My colleagues in New York surprised me with a screening of "Star Wars" on one of my last days in the office. We all crowded into CNET's TV review lab, with its comfy couches and optimal viewing environment, to watch the film displayed by a fancy 4. K projector. All I could say at the end was, "Where was Yoda?" When I arrived at my new desk in San Francisco, I was greeted with a sign that said, "Welcome to the Dark Side." - - Shara Tibken, San Francisco Now Playing: Watch this. Signs you're a Star Wars megafan.

I was still quite young in 1. I remember going to a drive- in to see a rerelease while visiting family down in Southern California. I recall being excited as soon as it started.

My memory is mostly seeing the title on the big screen and the opening crawl (before the Episode IV bit was added) and leaning in toward the speaker on the car window to hear the music. Jeff Sparkman, San Francisco I'm guessing it was about 1.