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Emma Swan Once Upon a Time Wiki. Upon return to Storybrooke, Emma reenters the diner from the entrance, putting on a cold mask towards her confused family and friends. Seeing Mr. Clark wearing her trademark red jacket, Emma callously questions who he is supposed to be, and out of annoyance, she turns him to stone. Regina threatens to fulfill what Emma asked her to do if she ever went too far, but Emma reveals she has the dagger now. To keep Hook's secret under wraps, Emma lies to the group, professing she will punish them for what they did to her. The Dark Swan", "The Price", "Broken Heart")Hearing Henry summon her, Emma magically appears at the dock, where she warmly greets him and moves to touch his hand, but he pulls away.

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Recalling what she had said last night, Henry apologizes for failing her, but Emma assures him that she meant everyone except him. Regina approaches, telling her to get away from her son, while Emma coolly stands her ground. When Regina questions her about the memory wipe, Emma admits she removed those memories for a reason, causing Regina to vow that she will retrieve them no matter what.

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Watch Broken Arrow Online Hollywoodreporter

However, Emma confidently points out it's impossible as she built new curse to be unbreakable since there's no savior to undo it. Later, Emma appears before Hook, who accidentally calls her, before she whisks him to the front of her new house. She invites him in, playfully stating that they can still be together, and gives him a drink.

He has other ideas, however, and kisses her. Much to his despair, true love's kiss doesn't work on her, but Emma insists it failed because she doesn't need fixing as she has accepted who she is now.

Hook refuses to accept this and asks what happened in Camelot, though Emma dances around the question, citing that it'd be no fun to give him a straight answer. She tries to charm him into staying, but Hook leaves.

That night, Regina confronts Emma about the fury that has kidnapped Robin because of an unpaid price of magic, asking her to call the creature off, but Emma reveals Regina is the one who didn't pay the price. With growing agitation, she challenges Regina to be the savior and do what needs to be done.

After Regina defeats the fury and the townspeople are having a night out at the diner, Emma watches from across the street before leaving. At home, Emma sees Rumplestiltskin, who tells her that her weaknesses, such as her need to protect her loved ones, will always hold her back, as they did with all the other Dark Ones that came before her, but she can snuff out the light. He leads her to the basement, where Excalibur is buried in the stone, tempting her to unite the sword with the dagger to be rid of any hope of light inside her. Emma attempts to pull the sword out, only to be thrown back by a barrier, as Rumplestiltskin cackles that she must pay a price first before extracting the sword.

The Price")In the mines, Emma surprises the dwarves by stealing Happy's ax, which she uses to try and unearth Excalibur from the stone, but instead, it breaks the ax. Prompted by Rumplestiltskin, she sets out to find a certain hero to pull it out.

Somehow, Emma discovers Belle is making a healing spell to wake Mr. Gold, but the last ingredient must be something that once touched him when he wasn't the Dark One yet. Suspecting Hook may have it, Emma orders a takeout from Granny's with a note asking him to meet her on his ship. Below deck, she apologizes to him for how she behaved last time and asks him to have lunch with her.

In an instant, Emma magically sets up their meal and changes herself into the same dress and hairstyle she had on their first date. As the ship sets sail by Emma's magical influence, Hook gets straight to the point, asking what is behind the door in her house. When she doesn't answer, Hook notes she is not the old Emma, as the person he knew didn't play games. Emma affirms she is better as the Dark One, free of her past closed- minded and judgmental personality, and suggests they can move forward together if he is willing. Hook is appalled at this, to which she exemplifies Mr. Gold, who used to be a coward and didn't find true love until becoming the Dark One.

Recalling that Hook told her about how Mr. Gold had groveled at him, Emma believes that Mr. Gold became better after the change. Hook owns up to being the villain in that situation, and he explains how he had pointed a sword at Mr. Gold, who was a good man trying to keep his family together, and becoming the Dark One made him evil and manipulative, while Hook himself changed for the better. Emma changes the subject, taking the sword, and tries to remind him of how she taught him to swordfight in the alternate reality.

Tired of her games, Hook calls her out for wanting something from him. She asks if he loves her, promising to leave if he doesn't, but he states he loved her, causing her to depart shortly after.

When Mr. Gold is close to waking from his coma, Emma kidnaps him to her house basement, where she crushes the sword over him to complete the healing spell. Once he awakens, she reveals her plans about making him a hero. Siege Perilous")While in her home basement, Emma twirls a middlemist rose in her hand, while an imprisoned Mr. Gold tries to sympathize with her about knowing what the darkness feels like. He insists she needn't give into it and should set him free, but Emma reasons that he is the only one who can get the sword for her.

He has doubts about being the hero she wants, though she hints there is a secret weapon to help him become that hero. She then goes to her car that is hidden in a tunnel, where she approaches Merida, who is tied to the front of the vehicle. After magically undoing Merida's binds, Emma rips out her heart, commanding the redhead to fetch her bow from the car. Emma then explains her plan to have Merida make a coward brave. The Broken Kingdom")Afterwards, Emma returns to free Mr. Gold, who continues to try and persuade her out of her plan, warning that no matter how good her intentions, she'll always lose her loved ones in the end.

Emma considers his words for a moment, before ordering Merida to take Mr. Gold into the woods to begin making him a hero, as she herself enters a nearby shed, which is filled with hanging dreamcatchers.

Taking down one particular dreamcatcher, which belongs to Violet, she clutches it to her chest and cries.

Nézz sorozatokat - Csinos Kis Hazugságok- The Pretty Little Liars. A sorozat központjában öt lány áll, akik közül az egyikük, Alison egy rejtélyes éjszaka után eltűnik. De a testét nem találják sehol. Egy évvel később a lányok eltávolodtak egymástól, de hirtelen rejtélyes üzeneteket kapnak egy titkos A- tól? Ki lehet vajon az az A? Alice. 13. 20. 10- 1.

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A második évad negyedik rész mikor lesz látható? Olyan jó sorozatok vannak! Ali. 24. 13. 20. 11- 0. USA. ba pár napon belül fenn lesz feliratosan!: )kittike. Holly. 91. 20. 11- 0. Sziasztok! Ez egy nagyon jó oldal: www. Itt mindent megtaláltok a sorozatról,én nagyon szeretem : )cinti.

Hali! ezt a sorozatot nem tudná valaki feltenni az oldalra: A férfiak a szőkéket szeretik. Előre is köszi : )lauraa. O mert az abc family oldalán azt mondják az előzetesben.: (((((((lauraa.

OOElena. 07. 03. 20. Sziasztok! Most kezdtem el nézni ezt a sorozatot és szerintem nagyon cool! Csak egy dolgot nem értek.. Alison ki b*szni a barátnőivel???

Ha egyáltalán tényleg ő küldözgeti az SMS- eket.. Valaki légyszi világosítson fel. Elena. 07. 03. 20.

Nagyon jó ez a sorozat!!!! Imádom! Köszi a feltöltést! USA- ba : Dalmira.

O de az naon király : Dalmira. O de az naon király : Dregi. D a hivatalos promoba láttam : Dalmira. D sőt, több, ha a feliratozást is beleszámítjuk.

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Hentex. 20. 11- 1. Szevasztok! De hol a 1. A 1. 4. már fent van !!?????

Meseee. 20. 11- 1. A 1. 4. rész 2. 01. RRx. XKpc. 09cs Elena. Lilla_pll. 20. 11- 1.

Szereted a Pretty Little Liars- t? Jó az angoltudásod? Szeretsz ÉS TUDSZ IS fordítani? Ha a fenti három kérdésre igen a válaszod, akkor mindenképpen küldj egy üzenetet a lilla. A Alison, A. Alison még él és nem halt meg Alisonnak volt egy ikertestvére és minden nap próbálgatták egymás szerepét, hogy ha valami történik akkor helyet tudjanak cserélni. Alison ikertestvére valami kórházba van vagy nem is tudom, hogy hol és aznap este amikor eltűnt akkor cseréltek helyet és Alison ölte meg az ikertestvérét Alison most ott van ahol az ikertestvére volt.

Itt a link akinek jó az angol tudása az olvassa el ezek az infók a könyvbe vannak http: //en. Pretty_Little_Liars Tuti hogy a soriba is így lesz ki más tudná a személyes titkaikat. Annie- Miley. 20.

Sziasztok!! Nem rég kattantam rá erre a sorozatra és nagyon imádom izgalmakban teli és nem folyton ugyanazokat a szálakat boncolgatják ami külön elnyerte a tetszésem. Sajnos nem tudom h mikor lesz folytatás vagy lesz?? Ha valaki ezt megválaszolná annak nagyon örülnék.: ) Előre is köszönöm szépen.: ) Puszi nektek!!! Annie- Miley hogy érted hogy lesz e 3.évad vagy hogy a második évad részei folytatódnak- e a második évadnak a 1. Forma. 1girl. 10. Tegnap ment Amerikába.. Egyes részeket miért nem lehet megnézni??

Azt írja, hogy: This video has been removed due to infringement. Esetleg feltöltené valaki ismét? A 2.- ik évad 1. 3.- ik részét feltudnátok tenni indavideon? Előre is köszi. Diauska.