Watch Undressing Extraordinary IMDB

Watch Undressing Extraordinary IMDB Average ratng: 5,8/10 9367votes

Farligt venskab (1. IMDb"Nattevagten" was much, much better!!! It is far from being a brilliant film. The story is not original, it is predictable and tiresome. Some of the dialogues are directly awful. But what lifts the movie from rating 5 to 8, is the extraordinary performance of the actor Ulf Pilgaard.

He is really a fantastic actor. Watch All Star Comedy Jam Online Freeform. He is playing the old and ill doctor Per Wahlin and the young Janus in the old mans body. He is really good at playing both roles, so good that you as a viewer of the film almost believe in the brain exchange. It is just a pity, that the talent of this great actor is wasted on a script that bad! Watch Old Partner Online Metacritic.

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Watch Undressing Extraordinary IMDBWatch Undressing Extraordinary IMDB

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