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Oroku "The Shredder" Saki is a fictional character in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics and all of its related media. At one point or another in every.
Shredder (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)Oroku Saki / The Shredder. Publication information. Publisher. Mirage Studios,[1]Image Comics, and IDW Publishing. First appearance.
Eastman and Laird's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1(May 1. Enter the Shredder" (1. The Shredder Strikes, Part One" (2. Rise of the Turtles, Part Two" (2. Watch Timecrimes Online. Created by. Kevin Eastman.
Peter Laird. In- story information. Alter ego. Oroku Saki (traditionally)Raphael (Image comics)Ch'rell/Oroku Saki (2. Oroku Yoshi (Mirage Volume 4)Eric Sacks (Nintendo 3. DS)Team affiliations. Foot Clan. Hamato Clan (2.
With Pua Magasiva, Sally Martin, Glenn McMillan, Jason Chan. Three rebellious students are the last ones remaining at their ninja academy after evil aliens attack the. An American Tail is a 1986 American animated musical adventure family comedy-drama film directed by Don Bluth and produced by Sullivan Bluth Studios and Amblin. Full Anime List - Anime Tycoon is dedicated to bring you the best anime streaming to watch in english dubs for free and in the best quality and speed.
Notable aliases. Shred- Head. Super Shredder (as a mutant)Zombie Shredder (after being resurrected)Father (by Karai)Saki (by Splinter and Tang Shen)Abilities. Genius- level intellect.
Master strategist, tactician, manipulator and deceiver. Peak physical condition. Mastery of martial arts, ninjutsu and hand- to- hand combat. Highly skilled in stealth. Immense strength, speed, durability and reflexes. Limited invulnerability.
Claws and blades on armor can cut through almost anything. Oroku "The Shredder" Saki is a fictional character in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics and all of its related media.[1] At one point or another in every incarnation of the TMNT stories, he has been the archenemy of the turtles, and usually serves as the main antagonist and villain. He is the leader of the criminal organization known as the Foot Clan. Shredder's physical appearance remains fairly consistent in most incarnations of the character.
Saki is a muscular Japanese man, most frequently seen in "the Shredder" persona, wearing a suit of armor vaguely based on that of a samurai, sometimes with a cape. The armor consists of blade- covered metal plaques on his shoulders, forearms, hands (sometimes just his left hand, because he is left- handed), and shins; he wears a purple, gray, blue, or red robe that variously appears to be simple fabric or a form of chain mail. He also tends to wear a metal helmet with a trident- shaped ornament on top, and a metal ninja style mask which covers his face, leaving only his eyes visible.
In the 2. 00. 3 TMNT series, the Shredder is a red alien Utrom named Ch'rell, who utilized an indestructible exo- suit to disguise himself as a human named Oroku Saki. Kevin Eastman got the idea for Shredder's armor from large trapezoidal cheese graters which he envisioned on a villainous character's[2] (originally named "The Grater" or "Grate Man") arms. He then said, "Could you imagine a character with weapons on his arms like this?" While Peter Laird suggested the name The Shredder.[3] Although Shredder is often depicted as the main antagonist in the Ninja Turtles franchise, it was never the creators' intention to be the case in his original inception in the Mirage Comics: In truth, though many TMNT fans who became fans via the first animated series see Shredder as a REALLY important part of an ongoing, long- running battle with the Turtles, I don't think Kevin or I ever did. Yes, he was an important part of their history, and they probably would not have come into existence without his involvement in their world (or more accurately Splinter's world).. Other than bringing Shredder back for "Return to New York" (and the few issues preceding that set that arc up), I never missed him in any of the other TMNT books I worked on.- Peter Laird[4]Literature[edit]Mirage and Image[edit]Oroku Saki[edit]In the original comic books from Mirage Comics, Oroku Saki is the younger brother of Oroku Nagi who had been killed by a fellow ninja Hamato Yoshi (the owner of Splinter, the Turtles' mentor) in a feud over a woman named Tang Shen resulting in Yoshi fleeing with Shen to the United States. Angry at the death of his older brother, Saki joined the Foot Clan and trained to be a ninja.
He quickly became one of their deadliest warriors and rose up the ranks and was chosen to lead the Foot's American branch. Operating in New York under the name of The Shredder, Saki used the opportunity to avenge his brother by killing Yoshi and Shen. Under Saki's leadership, the Foot participated in variety of criminal activities, including drug smuggling, arms running, and assassination. Thirteen years later Saki was challenged by the Ninja Turtles, who were the result of an accident exposing four ordinary turtles to radioactive waste.
They were trained by Yoshi's pet rat Splinter, who had also been mutated by the same substance, to avenge his former master. After a lengthy rooftop battle where Saki seemed to be winning, Leonardo managed to plunge his sword through Saki's torso. Defeated, he was offered the opportunity to commit seppuku (ritual suicide), but Shredder refused and detonated a thermite grenade, in an attempt to take them with him to his death. However, in the last second Donatello used his bo to knock Shredder off the building to his death. The Shredder returned on Christmas Eve seemingly resurrected with an army of Foot Ninjas severely beating Leonardo and burning down the apartment of the turtles' ally April O'Neil, forcing them to go into hiding outside the city.
A year later, in the story "Return To New York," the Turtles returned to settle the score with their enemies. Leonardo faced off against the Shredder alone, during which Saki revealed he was brought back to life by a technique using worms feeding on his body and recreating his cells to reform his body.
In the battle, Leonardo decapitates Saki, finally killing him, and the four turtles burn his body at the Hudson River. The female ninja Pimiko from the comic book series' Volume 3[5] claims to be Shredder's daughter.[6]Tales of the TMNT[edit]In the second volume of the anthology series Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles story "Worms of Madness" it is shown that a few weeks after the events of their final battle the Shredder had yet another resurrection of sorts when a Foot mystic reactivated the worms; however, the mystic did not resurrect Saki himself but the worm colony which had gained sentience and retained Saki's memories and believing itself to be Saki. The worms then went out to find a new body and chose that of a shark.

After the Foot Kidnapped Splinter, the turtles managed to engage the "Shredder- Shark" in battle and defeating it by severing its connection to the mystic and the creature realizing that it was not the real Saki. The "Shredder- Shark" returned once more kidnapping Casey's adopted daughter Shadow to lure the Turtles into a trap. With the Turtles away, it was up to Casey and Splinter to defeat it and rescue Shadow, finally killing the creature. Other Versions of the Shredder[edit]Throughout a considerable part of the Image comic series, Raphael tries to impersonate Shredder by wearing his armor. Following this, he is accepted as the leader of the Foot Clan. In later issues of the series, a mysterious Lady Shredder appears to challenge Raphael.
Although the book was canceled before her identity could be revealed, writer Gary Carlson confirmed after the fact that she was meant to be Karai.[citation needed]In Volume Four series, Leonardo encounters Oroku Yoshi, a Battle Nexus contestant wearing armor almost identical to that of the second animated series' Shredder. His connection to Oroku Saki and the Foot is not known, since the bi- monthly comic was ultimately cancelled in 2. Archie Comics[edit]The Archie Comics' series use the same background as the 1. Later in the Archie comics, Shredder travels to the future and works with Armaggon and Verminator X to offset the skill and experience of the future versions of the Turtles. This version of the character was more in line with the early episodes' depiction of the character as a cunning adversary and in many issues nearly proves to be a lethal enemy, coming close to defeating the turtles on a number of occasions, and even aids Armaggon and Verminator X in the defeat and capture of two of the turtles in the future.
Power Rangers Ninja Storm (TV Series 2. The plot line of this Power Ranger series is very good.
Ninja Schools from all over the world have been destroyed by a former ninja student named Lothor who after being cast off the planet for turning to evil. Lothor has kidnapped ninja students from all over the world and has turned his former sensei literary into a Guinea Pig. The only hope that the sensei Guinea Pig and his son Cam have are three slacker students of their own ninja school. They now have now have the powers of the Wind Power Rangers and their true potential is now put to the test for they hold the fate of the world in their hands. This series is somewhat of a take off of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I say cause of the personalities of the Wind Rangers and that their mentor who is an animal and looks cartoonish but the personality is very wise (not to mention the Rangers mistake him for a rat in the first episode). PR Ninja Storm also mirrors the original Mighty Morpin series in several ways.
First the Wind Rangers must shout out a command in order to morph. In MMPR the Rangers called out the name of their Dinosaur or prehistoric animal to change into Ranger form. Here they must shout out "Ninja Storm Ranger Form" in order to morph. Other Power Ranger series had a shout out before the Rangers morphed, but it was window dressing sort of speak. MMPR had a mentor who was bound in a cylinder (Zordon) and a robotic helper (Alpha 5). Ninja storm has a mentor who is bound by an animal form but helped by his son who is a techno wiz so you have the same concept but done differently.
Alpha 5 was skeptical at times of the Rangers but Zordon had faith. Cam is the same way but his dad believes in the Wind Rangers, and he might have expelled them from his school had this crisis not come up. So far only two episodes have aired and the rival Thunder Rangers are suppose to show up in episode 3. With the way Power Rangers follows the Super Sentai counterpart by changing it every year, expect development of all the characters and maybe some key revelations about some of them incorporated into the storyline. Allready Grant Mc.
Farland is pulling a dual role of the voice the senei GP and Lothor. Could it be that they are related? Hopful their will be a all compsing storyline and a great climax at the end of this PR series.
It shows some promice.