Religulous Full Movie Part 1
- Weekend box office, October 27-29, 2017. * Production Budget in millions. On average, studios earn approximately 55 percent of the final gross.
- I saw the movie "Religulous" last night. I was very excited about this. I find the phenomenon of organized religion to, arguably, be the most fascinating subject.
- The Film: This is the movie that made you swear you'd never set food in a McDonald's again (until the next time you drove by one). For 30 days, Morgan Spurlock.
- Early on in Religulous, Bill Maher throws up a bar chart illustrating the number of people in America who are non-religious. That number is 16%, more.
- “If we went to a Halloween party dressed as Batman and Robin, I'd go as Robin. That's how much you mean to me.” Blades of Glory (2007) Chazz Michael Michaels.
Points Review of Religulous. Sadly.. the result was pretty damn disappointing. Here are my 1. 1 thoughts on "Religulous".. The number one problem with this movie became evident to me less than five minutes in. I don't like Bill Maher. I've always found him far too smug, self- satisfied and obnoxious to really enjoy his comedy.
And make no mistake: "Religulous" is a documentary about the problems with organized religion.. Bill Maher. This movie is about Bill Maher's opinions on religion, Bill Maher's interviews about religion, Bill Maher's jokes about religion and Bill Maher's globetrotting adventure in dissecting religion. I found this alternatingly irritating, distracting and, ultimately, an overwhelming force diluting the statements the documentary could have made. The last of which I think could even be a problem for someone who, unlike me, a Bill Maher fan who wanted to watch a funny and thought- provoking movie. Watch Mammoth Online Hulu. Along that line, I felt the movie couldn't decide if it was "Borat" (i. Fahrenheit 9/1. 1" (i. During the interviews, Bill Maher followed the instincts that any human being (playing himself, not a character like Borat) has: Be friendly and try to connect with the person you're talking to.

He comes across somewhat confrontational, but mostly, he makes his interviewees feel like he's their buddy, giving them a platform to present the validity of their beliefs. The post- production had a completely different plan. From editing that made it look like Maher was giving people dumbfounded looks after dumb statements.. TV and movie clips that discredit and devalue what people are saying.. In stark contrast, the movie "Jesus Camp" did a spectacular job of just letting people talk.
It was so even- handed that when I saw it in the theater a few years back, half of the people there were intellectual, question everything types and the other half were evangelical Asian Christians who held a prayer circle outside the theater before the movie. And both sides left the theater thinking their feelings on religion got proper treatment.). At no point do we EVER see Maher say anything dumb.
We never see him without a rebuttal. We see him dropping hilarious one- liners and cut away before we see the reaction.

Shelley Lubben, an ex-porn star, discusses the destructive, drug infested, abusive, and sexually diseased world of porn production. Documentary Zeitgeist: The Movie, authored by Peter Joseph, reflects on the the myth of Jesus, the attacks of 9/11, and the Federal Reserve Bank as well. Full List of Inventory 1/27/17. You can search for a specific title by using your computer or other device's search function. If you want a specific list (such as. A documentary film is a nonfictional motion picture intended to document some aspect of reality, primarily for the purposes of instruction, education, or maintaining.
The only point where he's even a tiny bit vulnerable is when he's interviewing the guy who plays Jesus at the Holy Land Experience in Orlando, Maher asks how a monotheistic religion can have a holy trinity and, without missing a beat, "Jesus" responds that it's like how water can take the form of liquid, ice and steam. That's literally the only time in the entire movie we don't see Maher instantly refute a point made by a person of faith. And this doesn't sit quite right with me because it really gives the whole movie an underlying tone of vanity and, even worse, deception.
We see EXACTLY what Maher wanted us to see, and only that. And that's fine, because it's his movie..
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There's a moment in the film that was very interesting to me, and not at ALL for the reason that Maher or [director] Larry Charles think it's interesting. Maher is interviewing a rabbi, who's an anti- Zionist and attended Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's the- Holocaust- is- a- myth conference a few years back. And was filmed hugging Ahmadinejad afterward.). The rabbi is trying to justify his anti- Israel position. Maher keeps trying to interrupt him to ask questions mid- stream and over and over and over the rabbi gets angry and says "Let me finish.". It's edited and presented like the rabbi's being a dick, and, to some extent he is.
And I say that regarding his behavior in the interview, not because he's a Holocaust revisionist, anti- Israel rabbi.). But what I saw in this interview was the problem with most of the interviews in the film: It's Bill Maher interrupting people (who are way less prepared for this specific debate than he is) to try to trap them into falling down an irrefutable logic gap regarding their religious beliefs.
It's one thing to do this to clergy members and religious professionals (his deconstruction of Jeremiah Cummings, a former professional singer turned pastor, is a highlight).. Truckers at a trucker church. Visitors at the Holy Land Experience. Two guys at a Muslim gay bar in Amsterdam. And it's just an effort to justify the part of his thesis that says faith equals ignorance. Rather than truly listen, start a dialogue and present what people think, there's a lot of interrupting and a lot of trapping. Almost to a gratuitous level.
As both a Jew and one of my aforementioned question everything types, I was curious going in to see what Maher would show during his Judaism- focused part of the movie. And, as weird as this sounds, I was almost disappointed that, in my opinion, the Jewish people seemed to get handled with kid gloves. Yes, the anti- Zionist rabbi I mentioned above is about as bad as a representative for the Jewish people as you could find. Maher also visits a research center in Israel where they construct devices that allow people to, basically, cheat the rules of the Sabbath (a way to dial a phone without pressing a button, a motorized wheelchair that runs on air and not electricity, etc.)But.. And I don't think that's fair.
Because when you venture into the extreme fringes of any religion, you find the zealotry, xenophobia, mania, discrimination, sexism, radicalism and hate that give religion the bad name Maher is trying to expose. Christianity gets that in this movie, hard. Islam gets it harder. And while I don't think that, in general, Judaism has the reputation for widespread and fanatical imposition of beliefs that those two religions do.. And while Judaism is exponentially smaller than those two religions, if you're trying to predict what Holy War is going to bring about the destruction of this planet, tragically, Israel's going to be an epicenter and the Jews are probably going to factor in. By fairly casually glossing over the Jews, I think it's another step toward people easily being able to dismiss the movie. Which is bad, because, though I haven't made it that clear above, I absolutely agree with Maher that shaping political policy and bigotry around a centuries- old book written by humans, is something that must be questioned.)But..
Oh, well, it's just a Jewish director and half- Jewish star showing the bad side of our religion without really showing the bad side of theirs." Follow that up with six to 1. Semitic slurs.. and now I feel uncomfortable.